Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Ms. Computers

I am very shocked, astonished and proud of myself right now. With no help from any human source, I figured out how to add a link’s section to my blog (see the end of my blog below). You must understand - this is the most computer savvy thing I have done in my entire life. You must also understand - the template I use for my blog doesn’t automatically include a link's section (some of them do). Using a mere tutorial, I figured out how to manually copy the links text into my template and type in the URLs. Of course, there were a few bloopers before I could work it all out. First . . . all my links read "edit-me" instead of having proper names. Then . . . the links were too far beneath the blog to read . . . the links were too far at the top of the blog . . . the links appeared at the end of EVERY blog entry. (Not good.) But, in the end, I am happy to report that, although not exactly perfect, the obvious wrinkles have been smoothed over.

This may all seem very silly to you. It’s probably not a big deal to you. But, for me, it truly is.

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