Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Glutton for Punishment

Got a weird call yesterday. This women, in very broken English, called and asked if I would participate in a phone survey about fast food restaurants. What can I say? I’m a sucker. It wasn’t that I had time for this - or even cared. Maybe I was flattered that someone wanted my opinion about something. I was busy finishing my Grand Cookie Project and figured I could talk on the phone and keep busy at the same time. WRONG. The blasted survey lasted about 20 minutes until I cut it short. I finally hung up on her because she LIED to me. She told me she only had three questions left. I decided to consent to suffer through three more questions on the merits of McDonalds, Wendys, and Pizza Hut. After all, she probably works on commission. And, it’s Christmas.

But, after the third question, she had the nerve to ask a fourth one. That was it. I was very annoyed and confronted her about her fabrication. I just hate when people lie to me. I have zero tolerance for that kind of behavior.

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