Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Wearing Apparel

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
- Mark Twain

Now that I have your attention, I will proceed.

Today I am wearing a pair of shoes given to me by my sister Betsy. They are really cute. I like them. Fortunately for me, my sister is a minimalist. (And Kevin wishes I were a minimalist!) Betsy has a habit of buying things, wearing them three or four times and then getting rid of them. It’s like it’s against her religion to have more than ten items in her closet. Last time I saw her, she also gave me a snazzy shirt and a few other things. I have no pride, mind you. I am unashamedly admitting to you (and via my blog, to the world) that I accept hand-me-downs from my younger sister. But, then again, she has pretty good taste when it comes to clothes. Both my sisters do. I used to always take them with me when I went to buy a pair of pants. They would roll their eyes and declare that I had NO idea what to look for in buying pants. (It’s all about the butt and the length of the hem, they’d say.) So rather than being a puzzled, helpless, totally nerdy consumer, I’d take them along for the ride and end up with something "cool" and "in." Thank God for sisters with fashion sense!

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