Monday, January 26, 2004

The Conversion of Amy to an Appreciation of Lent and a Tolerance of Mankind

A: He’s Lutheran.
K: What’s wrong with that?
A: Nothing. I love Lutherans. I have several friends that are Lutherans. It’s just that it’s so high-churchy. I mean, they celebrate Lent.
K: What’s wrong with that? We celebrate Easter and Christmas. Lent is just another religious holiday.
A: But it’s totally different than Easter and Christmas. You have to fast and stuff.
K: So? I don’t see your point. I often think Christmas is nonsensical. You decorate a dead tree in your house, rush around the mall trying, madly, to find gifts for people that they don’t need and you can’t afford. You stuff SOCKS with candy! And for Easter, you color chicken eggs and hide them in the backyard! I’m sure all that seems ridiculous to a lot of people, too.
A: (sigh)
K: When you think about it, Lent makes just as much sense as Easter. Lent leads up to Easter and memorializes Christ’s suffering. Easter simply commemorates His resurrection.
A: Alright, alright. So, let’s celebrate Lent this year too. Just don’t expect me to give up sugar.

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