Friday, January 30, 2004

Lance and Matt

Went to a Mongolian BBQ for lunch with two office-mates, Lance and Matt. These two people have the strangest sense of humor I’ve ever encountered. We filled up our bowls with noodles, veggies and raw meat at the buffet line. The meat was labeled as "chicken," "turkey," "lamb," "pork," and "beef," respectively. We observed, however, that all the meat looked the same. It was all a light reddish color and in the same shape. Lance speculated that it all came from the same "mystery animal" that was bred somewhere in Asia. Later on, during the meal, Matt told us about the other day when he took out the trash at his apartment and discovered an entire homeless set-up behind his dumpster. "Did you throw it in the trash?" Lance asked. "No, I actually lit it on fire. And it was the funniest thing. It was a screaming sleeping bag. Amazing technology they have!" The rest of the conversation was spent talking about food, losing weight, food, the war in Iraq, food, Mel Gibson, and, did I mention food?

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