Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Super Tuesday

Today is Super Tuesday in California. Typically we always vote first thing in the morning. (I love to proudly wear and display my "I Voted" sticker. I have to make sure I get one before they run out!) Today, though, we are going to the polls at lunch time because I still need to do some research on several of the candidates. Can’t believe how ill prepared I am for this elections cycle! And do you know what I’ve been doing at my job for the last month? Urging people to be informed voters! Ugh. Makes me sick. But I will be an informed voter today - just not an informed morning voter.

You’ve all read about how one vote can make a difference, I’m sure. But here it is again - just as a reminder to us all that voting is a precious privilege and serious duty. We must vote in order to ensure the preservation of our liberties.

Voting Makes a Difference
By One Vote
Texas was admitted to the Union in 1845 by a single vote
By One Vote
Hitler won leadership of the German Nazi Party in 1923
By One Vote
The US House of Representatives, in 1801, elected Thomas Jefferson as President of the United States
By One Vote
In 1941, the Selective Service Act (the draft) was saved by a one-vote margin just weeks before Pearl Harbor was attacked

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