Monday, March 29, 2004

All’s Jus’ Swanky

We are such old people. After two days of skiing in Tahoe, our bodies totally gave out on us. It was pathetic. Really.

Kevin’s parents are here for the week and Colin was here for the weekend. We enjoyed going to Alpine Meadows (our new favorite resort) with Colin. The drive was beautiful, the weather was good, and the snow was fantastic. Personally, my favorite part of our ski adventure was watching the guys take the jumps. They even convinced me to take the very last jump - which was the smallest one of them all.

You know . . . when it comes to things like ski jumps, you’ve just gotta DO it. If you think about it too much, you begin to doubt yourself and imagine all sorts of wretched and inopportune things befalling you. So, after surveying the different jumps ahead of me for a few minutes, that’s what I did. I took my brain out of gear (not that it’s usually in gear) and just went for it. And it was great. (I didn’t get any "air" so it probably wasn’t a "real" jump. But it was very fun, nonetheless).

Another memory . . . As the three of us rode up the mountain, we noticed little snow flakes landing on our ski pants. They were beautiful - perfectly formed. It’s so totally amazing how much detail is on every snowflake. What an incredible God we have. He created the gigantic mountains and the tiny snowflakes.

On our second ski day, we stopped at one of the summits and stayed a while to take in the panoramic view of the lake. As we sat in the snow, we decided it would be a good idea to build a snowman. I was in charge of rolling the head. The guys rolled huge snowballs for the lower and middle body sections. I took my time and, when they finally asked me for the head so they could attach it to the body, it was the size of a grapefruit. Sorry, guys! I’m sure they thought I was a pathetic, lazy bum. But I was on "vacation" and was really enjoying being a total sloth.

Ahhh . . . good times. In spite of our uncooperative bodies on the second day . . . I still maintain that there’s not much in life that’s more fun that snow skiing.

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