Monday, March 15, 2004

Family Medical History

It's mom's birthday today. I dedicate this blog to her. ;)

Before I got married, because I thought it a wise and prudent thing to do, I had my mom e-mail me our family medical history. You simply never know when something like that could come in handy.

The other day we were digging through our files at home and I found the medical history e-mail from my mom. Kevin and I had a good laugh over it. My mom wasn’t even trying to be funny but it came across as very amusing. I told my mom that I only needed info as far back as MY great-grandparents. She started the e-mail like this: "My dad’s paternal great-grandmother (Susan Shoopman Wormley, wife of George Washington Wormley) was French Cajun." Only my mom knows the maiden name of her great-great-grandmother. (Bless her heart.) And what's with the French Cajun tidbit? Kevin always teases me that, in conversation, I give out way too much information. Especially to strangers. Now I know who I get it from. It’s genetic.

The e-mail went on: "Frederick Babbs dropped dead of a heart attack." "Bessie Scoville dropped dead of a stroke." "Eldon’s brother dropped dead of . . ." You’d think my whole family died like flies, dropping dead everywhere!! Very funny.

Here is another blurb: "Mary Irwin Baker and Chester Baker both died of kidney failure in their late 80’s. I think it is because of the heavy mineral content in their well water. Just my opinion." (Dr. Mom!!)

She ended the e-mail with this: "I hope this information doesn’t put fear in your heart . . . Love you, Mom."

And she was serious about that last part.

Thanks, mom, for providing us with some laughs. We love you!

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