Tuesday, February 10, 2004


Kevin accidentally woke me up at some ungodly hour this morning. He was experiencing trouble sleeping.

A: Try counting sheep. It always works for me. (I was serious about this.)
K: How do you count sheep?
A: I envision a flock of them in a field. And then I imagine them, one by one, hopping over a fence.

Ten minutes later, Kevin stirs again.

A: What’s wrong?
K: Sheep don’t jump high enough to hop a fence. (Why must he never cease to be logical?!!)
A: Just use your imagination and pretend they do.
K: I’m trying! But every time I imagine it, I see little cartoon sheep.
A: Well, that’s no good. Cartoon sheep don’t put you to sleep. Only real sheep do the trick.
K: Maybe I’ll imagine them climbing on a rock and hopping over, instead.
A: (tired and yawning) Whatever floats your boat, dear.

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