Thursday, February 05, 2004

Inner Child

I’m happy to discover that I’m still in touch with my inner child. I’m relieved that law school didn’t strip me of all notions of childhood and humor! ( I was worried at times. In fact I distinctly remember telling my mom in my second year that I thought I’d lost my sense of humor.) The precise reason for my jubilation last night was that I successfully picked out a birthday gift for a two-year-old. It was a Barbie princess coloring book and glitter paints set. And she liked it! What relief. Whew!

It was very fun to attend a child’s birthday party. We watched Emily (the birthday girl) open her presents (well, actually, her older cousin opened most of them with another cousin helping out too!). The kids were so excited by the sight of presents. It took them all of three seconds to have the entire pile unwrapped!! We then watched as Emily looked at the "two-shaped" candle on her cake with a most bewildered stare. "What is that weird thing on my cake?" Finally, dad blew it out for her. But she loved it when we sang "Happy Birthday." She laughed and clapped gleefully and wanted us to sing again . . . and again.

Kids are fun because, to them, everything is new.

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