Tuesday, February 10, 2004

A Desperate Girl Will Go to Desperate Measures

Okay, I realize that I talk about food a lot in my blogs. I’m really not as obsessed with food as it may seem. But, despite my many other food recitations, I couldn’t resist posting this little saga.

Several days ago I saw a commercial for a caramel milkshake. And being a consumer with average, understandable cravings (Kevin does not fall into this category - he’s the guy who’s happy with an apple slice, if you remember), I determined that I must have it. The problem was, I didn’t remember which fast food chain advertised for it. Last night was Kevin’s rehearsal so I had some free time to find that milkshake!

I was pretty sure that Jack in the Box was the culprit. But on my way to JITB, I passed Arby’s. "Maybe it was Arby’s," I thought. So I walked into Arby’s. The manager stood behind the cash register, ready to assist me. "Do you have caramel milkshakes?" I asked. "We can make anything combo," he said. "No, you don’t understand me. I said carAmel - not combo." [Manager responds with blank stare.] Thanks, anyway! The next stop was JITB and I decided to drive through. I scanned the menu. "Well, I don’t see any caramel milkshake, but it won’t hurt to ask. "Do you have caramel milkshakes here?" The young adolescent (I find they’re getting younger and younger every day) said "No, we don’t." Thanks, anyway! And I drove on in pursuit of my milkshake. (It was kinda weird because I’d never gone through a drive-thru without ordering anything before. Although I have driven through one in reverse/backwards. That was fun.) Low and behold, there was a Carls Jr. across the street. The ladies at the register were really nice but they informed me that they didn’t have caramel milkshakes either. "Well," I told them, as I left, "No offense - I really like your food too - but right now all I want is my caramel milkshake." (Kevin later asked me if I really told them that. Yes, I did, actually.) It was sad that I never was able to satisfy my craving. But sometimes it’s obvious what God’s will is . . . and who am I to question that?

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