Monday, November 17, 2003

Looking for Solutions

Warning note: This blog is a little edgy (gross).

I decided to make cinnamon rolls to take to a staff meeting on Monday. I only had a short window of time to bake them yesterday and decided to do it quickly. To my dismay, upon reading the recipe, it called for two "room temperature" eggs. (You know, I really hate those advance preparation recipes! They just totally cramp my style.) I held the chilled eggs in my hands and realized that, unless I thought of something brilliant, I wasn’t going to have room temperature eggs for several hours to come. Suddenly I had an inspiration. I would microwave them! Kevin, however, strongly advised me against it. In a spirit of jest (and to get a reaction), I suggested Kevin place them under his armpits for about ten minutes - that would do the trick! Of course, he recoiled at the very thought. Trying to think of another solution (or get me back), he suggested I place the eggs in my mouth. !!!!???!!!! I’m sorry, but that just totally grossed me out. Do you not know where eggs come from, man? Nothing that touches the behind of a dirty chicken will dare enter the sanctity of my mouth.

Kevin said I wouldn’t have had time to bake them, anyway. He thinks I’m unrealistic when it comes to time allocation. You know what? He’s probably right. He usually is.

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