Monday, November 24, 2003

Holiday Fortune

Friday night was one of those cold autumn evenings where you want to find the warmest sweater you possess to help keep out the chill. They say when you move to a warmer climate, your blood will thin to adjust. Likewise, when you move to a colder climate your blood will thicken. So far, my blood has thinned and Kevin's has rebelled.

On the evening mentioned, we went out to do some early Christmas shopping. (Note from the author: this is the most we have ever been prepared for Christmas - EVER.) Before hitting the shops, we stopped by Panda Express and ate some Chinese food. There is something soothing and marvelous about eating hot, steaming orange chicken on a crisp autumn night. Especially with the one you love. As we ate, we ruminated on the fact that this is the first Christmas we've had for five or so years where we can just enjoy the holidays without the stress of final exams. Sigh . . . I always knew that life would eventually turn less chaotic.

During dinner I noticed an older couple sitting at the table across from us. Neither of them said anything to the other during their whole meal. I wondered if they had run out of things to talk about after all those years. I thought to myself how sad that was. I silently swore that I would never let that happen - I would take up belly dancing or lion taming or something exciting so I could tell Kevin about it at dinner when we're old. ;-)

Of course, we had fortune cookies with our dinner. And I saved them so I could tell you about them. (For those of you who are still not convinced about the worth of having a blog, I ask you: Where else would I be able to tell you about our fortune cookies?)

Mine said: "You are open and honest in your philosophy of love." Kevin said that was true.

Kevin's said: "Impulsiveness where money is concerned, is not your style." Amy told Kevin that was VERY true.

I think it's terribly funny our cookies weren't switched.

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