Monday, November 17, 2003

Frolic and Merriment

I never knew how much fun you could have in a Bose store. You know, that sound-system store that is all the rave now? Saturday we went to the outlet mall to do some preliminary Christmas shopping. (We ended up not buying anything, though. There’s something quirky about doing a budget that makes you not want to spend money . . . but I’m SURE that will pass.) First of all, let me tell you, that we had spent the entire morning looking at different furniture stores for living room furniture. We saw some things we liked but neither of us were thrilled about anything. Let me modify that sentence: Neither of us were thrilled about anything WITHIN THE BUDGET. It’s funny to me that Kevin has so many opinions in home decor. Overall, I agree with his taste in furniture. He’s a pretty classy guy. This particular morning he was rather negative on all the furniture we saw. I was beginning to think he didn’t even like furniture at all! Upon entering the Bose store, however, his eyes lit up. Before our very eyes, there was a display set up with living room furniture. "I LOVE this couch!!," he exclaimed. "And, look at those chairs! Aren’t they cool?!" That, my friends, would be our luck. The ONE set of furniture in all of Sacramento that Kevin likes . . . is not for sale.

After leaving the delightful furniture, we decided to sit-in on the "theater show" in the next room. The show was already in progress. We stumbled in the dark to find our seats in the back row. I must say, the sound effects were rather impressive. Contrast was shown between a "regular" stereo system and a Bose system. A flat-sounding singer was made to sound like a live performance. It all turned hokey, though, when images where shown of people laughing and crying. "Our sound system will bring laughter, smiles, and tears to your home." Kevin started snickering, which is very uncharacteristic of him. We were both soon muffling laughter. I was afraid the attendant would come kick us out.

After shopping, we were sacked. (Hee hee.) We cut out a coupon allowing us 3 DVDs or videos for $0.99 each and went to the movie store. You know how sometimes you can end up spending more time trying to find a move to rent than you would spend watching it? Well, we decided against doing that and rented these movies: 1) The Godfather, 2) The Godfather II, and 3) The Godfather III. After we rented them, we realized that most of our non-working, waking hours the next week were going to be spent watching television. Although we didn’t believe this was a healthy thing, we decided to defy all notions of responsibility and do it anyway.

We watched all of the first one that night. It was a bonding experience, really. We spent most of our time shielding eachother’s eyes from the gross parts.

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