Friday, June 23, 2006

The Vacuum Chaser

When I was pregnant with Meredith we read a statistic about how, when unborn babies are exposed to sounds like dogs barking and vacuums roaring, they usually aren’t afraid of dogs or vacuums after they’re born. The converse is also true – when unborn babies never hear loud noises, like dogs or vacuums, they typically are more afraid of these things later on.

Based on that information and since I, like, never vacuum, we figured that Meredith would be terrified of it.

Not so.

It appears that we have a little Vacuum Chaser on our hands. Rather than being scared of it and running away, she immediately turns her little body towards it and begins to chase after it, supposedly for the purposes of fighting and conquering it.

Right now, in fact, Laura is vacuuming the stairs and Meredith is squatting at the top of the stairs pondering the vacuum, obviously trying to figure out how she can get down there and play with it.


Anonymous said...

Great! Now I know what to get Miss M. for her upcoming birthday. Love, Great Aunt B

Nica said...

How funny! Benjamin does the same thing... and if he finds the vacuum in it's "silent state" in the laundry room, he'll attack it and pull it over... it's hilarious to watch.

So glad y'all are seeming to enjoy IN. :-)