Thursday, June 29, 2006

Are flip-flops damaging your career?

More than 31 percent of women said flip-flops were the single "must have" item for work this summer. But many companies disagree.

For an interesting look on the current footwear trend: Are flip-flops damaging your career?


Janice Phillips said...

I must be severe upon my own sex (to paraphrase Mr. Darcy) and concur with the majority of that article.

Alaina said...

$140 for flip-flops! Well, I must say I'm a big fan of flip-flops. They are very comfortable! However, I wear tennis shoes to work and usually wear dress shoes to church. I think it's interesting how negatively they are perceived.

Anonymous said...

Another bonus for that mom who "gave up" her potential to stay home. ;-)

Angel said...

Maybe it's just because I'm a lawyer and have been working exclusively in law firms for the past six years, but I totally agree with the article. I can't even imagine wearing flip-flops here at the office. They're just not appropriate in a professional environment. Now, cute, dressy sandal-type shoes are a different story. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you're very important because you're a lawyer...

Danielle said...

I think it totally depends on the environment where you work and what you have to do. Most companies have dress codes in place, so it shouldn't be that hard to figure out. I wouldn't think it would be appropriate at a law firm. My girlfriends who work at law firms can't wear them.

I do wear them occasionally, maybe once a week, but they are comfortable for city walking (more than heeled shoes, which I hate). If I wore healed strappy sandals, it would be the day I have to climb a ladder! I'm a designer for a museum, so our dept. is more casual, than say, the Development dept. It's not like I ever see clients. I'm choosing paint colors and climbing around exhibition spaces. My manager wears jeans and sneakers, so in comparison, I dress up a lot more than she does. I'm not worried since I just got promoted.

Jen said...

I LOVE flips flops. And that is one thing that I am "dreading" about working in a "real" office...not getting to wear flip flops.

Ok I laughed about how they are causing foot problems. That may be true, but come on, are they saying high heels are good for your feet? I beg to differ...