Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Ugly Woman Sues

This was a topic of conversation at the dinner table last night. Kev and I both agree – we don’t know who is more to blame, Extreme Makeover or Ms. Williams. In any event, the allegations in her lawsuit are unbelievable.

While these makeover shows are obviously of interest to the public (they wouldn’t be on air if they weren’t), I’m dismayed at the message they send to young women about their value and self-worth.


Anonymous said...

This is what’s wrong with our society today. The deep values that were once instilled (or at least had a higher priority), are now considered conservative, traditional, close minded, and of simply of the past. Values that are the foundation for a healthy mind set. Not to sound corny, but it’s truly the inner beauty that counts. Sure, the call for every woman to have a ‘beautiful’ body, cool clothes, and all “the latest” has always been around in some for or another, but it is completely shallow… yet very compelling. It’s all we see being propagated in advertisements, Hollywood, magazines, etc. Even our medical fields have been effected by this thinking over the years. Not too long ago, a size 12 was a great size for your average woman. Now, whether it’s because a size 12 is actually a different size than what it was in the past, or if it’s because that particular size is not acceptable any longer, people feel chunky or even fat when they are a size 12. It’s completely ridiculous, and this story is just the epitome of all that crap. My first thought, when I saw that Kelly had committed suicide, was that there was a lot more going on in that girl’s life to bring her to those drastic measures than just the guilt of what she said to her sister. The media has pounced on this, and do not really care to find out what the real issues are. It just made for a juicy story. Who’s to blame? I’m with you guys, who knows?! It was a terrible thing for her to go through, and I have compassion on her because what she is now going through is very real. It sounds like people were brutally honest (or cruel) about the way she looks, and those words will sting her for the rest of her life. God gives us so much more hope and confidence than this. I pray that a child of God will be put into her and her family’s life so that they can see His truth about all this.

CABeachBlonde said...

Regarding last part of your post: AMEN!

Carrie said...

Of course, the picture of her is tiny and rather on the hard side to make out -- but the amazing thing is -- she isn't what I would just call "ugly." Few people *really* are.