Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Plane rides ... and other incidental things.

I now have a lot more sympathy and understanding for parents who take their infants on plane rides. This past weekend was Meredith’s first time on an airplane. It was only an hour-long flight down to L.A. to see family and I’m grateful she was able to “cut her [nonexistent] teeth” on a short plane ride vs. a cross-country flight. Kevin and I both were apprehensive because we (along with probably everyone else reading this blog) have experienced those flights with babies screaming uncontrollably for what seems like the entire journey. And, although no one is quite as consternated as the parents when a baby cries, there are always other passengers who seem quite put-off by it. I think any parent who possesses ordinary decency (and we, hopefully, fall into that category) worries about their baby disturbing others on a flight.

Having now experienced my first plane ride with a baby in my care, all future plane rides will never quite be the same. It’s hard to explain but there’s a certain mental preoccupation and an inability to completely relax when you have a baby on an airplane. You’re in this constricted environment, being solely responsible for a very unpredictable human being, with circumstances you can’t control (such as changing air pressure, etc.). Anyway, Meredith did very well and only cried for a few seconds on the return trip, but it was, nonetheless, a slightly nerve-wracking experience. Maybe the next flight won’t be so bad because I’ll have gained confidence from this last one. Here’s hoping!

On to another subject … Every time I fly into L.A., which has been quite a few times in my life, I never cease to be amazed by how massive and sprawling it is. There’s cement and construction as far as the eye can see, only interrupted for the mountains and, of course, the ocean. I always find myself gazing at it in wonderment. You’d think that it’d be old-news by now but I still find it fascinating.

We had a good time introducing Meredith to family and friends. We were given a shower for her and it was great to see many faces from various segments of my past. (And I don’t think we’re going to have to buy any clothes for her until sometime next spring!)

We also enjoyed a trip to the seashore and watching David boogie-board for an hour or so. He provided much entertainment for us. Every time he caught a wave, and rode it all the way into the beach, we spectators would applaud. And then he would jump up and down waving his arms in victory. What a funny guy. The water was rather cold yesterday and he was the only one willing to fully submerge himself. I love my brother. He has a great attitude toward life (he loves it to the fullest extent of anyone I’ve ever met) and he also gives great hugs and back massages. Such fantastic accomplishments for a ten-year-old boy.

We also saw Christy’s new apartment. She’s just moved to North Hollywood to be closer to both school and work. My little sister is all grown up! Since when did that happen?

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

I can totally identify with the plane thing. Nothing exhausts me more than flying cross-country with a baby. Ben is a great air traveler but he has had colds twice and his ears gave him a lot of pain. And now he is a wiggler and sitting still that long is impossible. We are learning tricks (new toys, lots of snacks, etc...) but relaxing just isn't part of the deal for us. -rlr