Thursday, July 15, 2004

Brag on Kevin TIME

Last night Kevin called me on his way home from the Bay. I was also in the car, driving home from work. In mid sentence, Kevin nonchalantly said, "I’ve been hit." "You’ve been whaaa . . .?" I asked. "I’ve gotta go," he replied, simply. Out of the two of us, you’d think it’d be ME that would get in the car accident while talking on the cell phone. But, nooooooo. It was Mr. "I-have-a-perfect-driving-record-Kevin." But it wasn’t his fault - so I guess he’ll still have the spotless record after all. Kev wasn’t able to call me back for quite some time but eventually I learned that it was a teenage kid who rear-ended him on the freeway during rush hour. The kid admitted fault and Kevin got a favorable police report. So hopefully this whole thing won’t turn into a headache. I was glad Kevin was unruffled about it all. He handled this inconvenience very admirably.

Aaaannnndddd . . . Kevin will kill me for putting this in the blog, but he was paid a very nice compliment by another attorney at the deposition who told him during a break that he did a GREAT JOB conducting the deposition and this particular attorney was very impressed with Kevin. So, anyway, I’m a very proud wife right now. *beaming*

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