Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Anyone else?

Anyone else out there sick of the media frenzy surrounding Cindy Sheehan? Why is this madness even getting coverage? Talk about imbalance in the press.

What about the military parents who support the president (probably the majority of them)? Maybe the reason they don't get coverage is because they are actually working, taking care of their families, quietly grieving, and moving on as best as they can, with patriotism in their hearts, not wanting to do anything to dismay our troops or encourage the enemy.

And then there's Cindy Sheehan. Ugh. Makes me sick.


Anonymous said...

Cal Thomas wrote an excellent piece that you can find on TownHall's website.

"Nick" said...

Funny thing is, I don't think any of the publicity is really helping her. She just looks more and more like a kook.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to be serious when I see the name PureNard. I don't care who you are, that's effin funny right there.

Oh, and Sheehan is cuckoo for coco puffs.

NatronLaw said...

My boss, Linda Chavez, also wrote her syndicated column on this issue today. See: http://www.townhall.com/columnists/lindachavez/lc20050817.shtml

Rachelle said...

TIME had a quote from a family member saying that Cindy appeared to be "promoting her own agenda at the expense of her son's good name." As Linda Chavez points out, her political perspective seems to be quite different than her son's. She looks like she is losing her marriage over this (she and her husband recently celebrated). She may think this is the result of her grief, but I don't see how it will help her recover. It won't bring back her son.

Anonymous said...

Ben and Mom:

Celebrated? Umm . . . do you mean "separated"?

Rachelle said...

Again, I was posting too fast, before we ran out the door for an appt. Strange how the mind works. Yes, I did mean "separated." -rlr