Thursday, August 04, 2005


Yesterday we dug up our wedding vows, which we wrote. If you can believe it, we still have them memorized and will randomly quote them to each other …

K: I, Kevin, take you, Amy, to be my lawfully wedded wife. This is my commitment to you for as long as we both shall live.

A: I, Amy, take you, Kevin, to be my lawfully wedded husband. This is my commitment to you for the rest of our lives.

K: I promise to love you and give myself for you even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.

A: And I promise to love you and to submit myself to you as unto the Lord.

K: I will love you as my own body. I will nourish you and cherish you, just as the Lord does the Church.

A: You are my head, just as Christ is head of the Church. Therefore, just as the Church is subject to Christ, so I will be subject to you in everything.

K: I promise to take care of you and to provide for you, and to lay down my life for you.

A: I promise to take care of you and cherish you, and to give myself to you.

K: I will put the needs of our family ahead of my career.

A: And I will lay aside my career for our family.

K: I will leave my father and mother, and forsaking all others, I will be loyal to you.

A: And I will be loyal to you. Wherever you go, I will go. And wherever you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.

K: Amy, I will honor you, listen to you, encourage you, and be your friend and confidant.

A: Kevin, I will honor you, listen to you, encourage you, and be your friend and confidant.

K: I will be faithful to you, regardless of the circumstances God may bring in our life together. I love you unconditionally. This is my solemn covenant to you before God this day.

A: And I will be faithful to you, regardless of the circumstances God may bring in our life together. I love you unconditionally. This is my solemn covenant to you before God this day.

K: And let us not love in word or in tongue,

A: But in deed and in truth.

Unison: Til death do us part.


Anonymous said...

K: And I will homeschool our 17 children as I was homeschooled.

A: And I will homeschool our...17 children!!!!

K: Submit woman!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a few things memorized from my wedding day. It was beautiful and we still repeat them today.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for publishing this. Your words stuck me then as the most sincere and loving vows I have ever heard, and I’ve attended well over a hundred weddings! On that beautiful (though very hot) summer afternoon three years ago, I was deeply touched and blessed. Congratulations to two wonderful people! ~Sherri

the Joneses said...

It's very terrible of me, but I'm afraid I clearly remember Kevin saying, "I promise to leave you..." Pause. Recover. I don't think too many people laughed. :)

-- SJ

Kevin said...


Chris Klicka told me afterwards that his kids thought that was hilarious. He said that when they went home to watch the video he had recorded, they made him rewind that part over and over again so they could watch my "tip of the slongue."

Anonymous said...

That IS very terrible of you The bat rastard (as Kevinicus would say).

Anonymous said...

Doe!!! He promised to leave her?! Holy crap Kevinicus, I can't believe she didn't leap off the stage and run all the way back to the LBC!