Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Thought for the day ...

"A good man is hard to find, not to keep. That sentence should really make you stop and think … I’ve got to tell you how remarkably sad it is that so many women struggle to hold on to a jerk, keep giving an abusive or philandering man yet another chance, have unprotected sex with some guy while barely knowing his last name, agree to shack up and risk making babies with some opportunist or loser, all in a pathetic version of a pursuit for love, but will resent the hell out of treating a decent, hardworking, caring husband with the thoughtfulness, attention, respect, and affection he needs to be content.”

That’s a quote from The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. And, actually, it's a really good book - I think every wife should read it. Even if you already have a good marriage, it can only make it better. The book is not so much about men, but about women, and the power they have to create a happy marriage and a happy home.

The above quote is a stark picture of feminist ideology. It’s okay, under feminist thinking, to begrudge a man for expecting certain things from his wife, like fixing meals and taking care of his kids, etc., in the context of a loving family, but women are expected to endure certain abuses from men when it comes to commitment, sexuality, and being taken care of – all in the name of “equality.”


Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY agree! I read Laura's book and loved it, although that is not always the thing to admit in Christian circles. She uses some foul language in parts but I think it is well worth it for every married woman to read -- especially the ones who were raised with liberated moms! It helps put perspective on being a wife to those who think it is all about them. :) -- geni

Angel said...

I've read the first two chapters so far and I have found it a very refreshing read. It's always good to be reminded of the simple truths that tend to get lost in everyday busy-ness. :)


Anonymous said...

Dr. Laura was on Dobson just last night! She was articulate and unashamed to proclaim why there are so many unhappy husbands out there. Husbands who are biding their time until the kids are grown or who end up leaving earlier because they just can’t take it anymore! I say ‘unashamed’ because in our Christian home school circles, we don’t always want to admit or discuss some uncomfortable topics. The issues discussed on that radio program gave some legitimate answers to nagging questions raised when I watch/listen to so many home schooling families. A wise woman might want to listen to her counsel and then spend some quiet time alone with God to examine her habits, thoughts, actions, and goals. My heart is encouraged to watch many of you young women who have recently married from our conservative bubble. You display much wisdom in the way you are loving, encouraging and respecting your husbands. ~Sherri