Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Little socks, little clothes, folded one by one …

Now that we’ve got less than five weeks before junior enters our life and world, we’re finally getting the nursery put together. And, actually, it’s been quite fun to prepare a special room in our house for the baby to sleep. (Maybe it’s just that I love a good excuse to decorate … anything!)

As pieces of the nursery have slowly come together, the realization has become stronger that, very soon, the two of us are going to be three. Last night, for instance, I was folding these tiny little socks to put in the baby’s dresser. As I was fingering them, they seemed incredibly small. In fact, I double checked the package to see if maybe I had bought “preemie” socks by mistake. But, no, I hadn’t. And I stood there, amazed, at how tiny a newborn’s feet are. It’s hard to believe that we all had feet that small at one time in our lives.

Anyhow, like I said, we’re pleased with the overall feel and décor of the nursery. It’s a little nook in our home that is very soft, inviting, peaceful, happy, and friendly. Yep … those are the words I’d use to describe it! Kevin said the other day: “I love this room. It makes me want to sit down and rock a baby.” I was glad to hear this because, pretty soon, he’s going to be doing a lot of that!

Speaking of the size of newborns ... I've been thinking lately about the whole labor and delivery thing and pondering why babies can't be smaller when they're born. After all, it would be much less painful for the mother! If we are capable of caring for creatures the size of tiny kittens or little baby birds, then I don’t understand why newborn babies can’t be born that small too. (Delivering something the size of a cantaloupe doesn’t sound very appealing to me right now, if you hadn’t already guessed!)

Remind me to ask God about this when I get to heaven.


Anonymous said...

Just you wait! No matter what emotional feelings of 'Oooh, how cute!' assail you beforehand, nothing can prepare you for how much you will love that baby when he/she arrives! I know, I know, that's what everyone says...but it's so true! There is nothing more adorable than your own baby.


Anonymous said...

A place for the baby to sleep? They don't sleep! Have fun decorating. Aunt B.

Queen of Carrots said...

I do recall envying kangaroos, who despite being good-sized animals give birth to babies just a few inches long. However, they have those handy pouch things to keep them in. And I don't really want a pouch.

I had a vivid dream a few months ago that I gave birth to an insect. Now THAT was creepy.

Anonymous said...

No matter what one goes through in delivering a baby, we would never have wanted to miss having them! When it gets tough, just remember "this too shall pass" is a temporary thing, no doctor is going to let a woman labor for days as used to be the case. My mom was an only child, in part because grandma was in hard labor with her for 3 days! Every time I got pregnant, my grandpa would always say, "Oh sister, you oughtn't to have done this. There was no where in the hospital I could go and not hear her screaming." (She also had the hard measles at the time she was in labor). But none of mine, though 2 were very difficult, lasted anywhere near that long. We have a lot of things today to help the process along!! And you do forget the hardships when you look down at that cute little face and smell that sweet baby skin!! Sounds like you have tried to keep fit too...that all helps! You may be one of the lucky ones who has babies like falling off a of mine came that way!! A piece of cake!

the Joneses said...

Darren was pondering one of the many mysteries of pregnancy once, and I replied, "Oh, there's going to be a big FAQ board in Heaven for questions like that. But you won't be able to get through the throng of women around it."

-- SJ

CABeachBlonde said...

Oh, so many questions ... :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Amy. Yes, this is the Susan in Elk Grove that you think it is! :)
Today, I just got home from the hospital after my daughter (Sally) gave birth to a 6lb. 8oz. son. What a great day! Having never been on the "other end" of a childbirth, I was reminded of the incredible amount of work the mom goes through.....and what inexpressable blessings are received once the little one has arrived. There were tears of joy all around. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! I'll pray for you as your own "baby day" approaches.

Angel said...

You'll have to post a picture of what your nursery looks like when it's all done! :)

Amy K said...

Susan - That's great to hear! I'm very happy for your family that Samuel is here safely. Tell Sally and David that we send our heartfelt congratulations.

-Amy (& Kev)

Nica said...

What Rose said reminded me of a quote I found while working on baby announcement ideas:

"Every baby born into the owrld is a finer one than the last."
~Charles Dickens in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

Each child we have is cuter than everyone elses, and each is the "cutest so-and-so" ever. Which is why we never name any two children the same name, or you would have to say "You're the cutest Joe Jr. born in 2006" to one and "You're the cutest Joe Jr. born in 2008" to the other. At least, that's my theory. :)