Friday, February 24, 2006


Here is yet another post on one of my favorite topics, my child.

Lately Meredith has been expressing her dislikes by pushing things away from her when she doesn’t want them. This was cute until she started pushing ME away.

Do you know how demoralizing it is to have your child push you away? She contorts her face and then puts her hands on both my shoulders and pushes with all her little might.

If she could talk she would probably say, “Get out of my way mom. You’re cramping my style.”

It’s like total rejection.

The person whose life depends on you thinks you’re unnecessary.

This is a part of parenting I wasn't expecting.

Can someone remind me … when exactly are those "rebellious years" supposed to start? I thought I had at least two years, if not 13.


the Joneses said...

They begin pretty much as soon as baby realizes that there is much in life she wants to do, and Mama is in the way. As for being dependent upon you for life... well, my kids have always seemed to view our care as that of "unprofitable servants," doing only what is required of us.

Addie and I have frequent discussions about exactly who is the mother in the household, and therefore whose opinion has final authority.

-- SJ

Anne said...

i have the same discussions with Erin daily, usually about the time she needs her diaper changed or needs to be cleaned up from lunch. she pushes me away or swats at my face and i have to remind myself not to take it personally. how quickly they forget who it was that sustained them before they discovered solid food...

Rachelle said...

Probably a good reminder to thank our own mothers for all they went through.... The good news is you are raising a little girl who will grow to be an independent woman. But I feel your pain. I hate it when Ben won't hold my hand without a fight. -rlr