Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Meredith's Trip Downtown

From Meredith:

Today I went downtown with my mom. Normally I wake up at 6:30, grab a bite to eat, and then play with my toys in my jammies. Today was different. After breakfast, my dad put me in a pretty church dress and I got to wear my shiny black shoes. Then he put me in my car seat. Soon my mom came out – she was all dressed up too. Then we went for a long car ride. We went to a prayer breakfast to celebrate life and remember how horrible abortion is. Apparently, if I were only seven months younger than I am now, my life could be taken away from me and the law wouldn’t protect me. Isn’t that just awful?

My mom told me that she had dreams all last night that I was going to be a bad girl at this meeting and cry a lot and make things hard for her. But I really showed her! I was a perfect angel. I sat on Miss Sarah’s lap while my mom ate her breakfast and then I fell asleep in my carrier.

On the way back, we stopped by daddy’s office to surprise him with an iced coffee. I love to see my dad during the day. I miss him when he’s at work. My mom is okay but my dad is more fun. He makes cool animal noises and knows all the words to all the songs.


Stephen, Sarah, Nora, Joseph and Isaiah said...

Glad to hear you were a good girl for your mom, Meredith. I'm sure that made her day :) Nora misses her dad during the day, too.

Amy K said...

Wow. Interesting website!