Monday, October 04, 2004

Slumber Parties

Since Kevin is AWOL preparing for his trial, which starts today, I was very happy to hear that Angela and Theresa could come spend the night with me on Saturday. We watched a chick flick and then talked about hair. After an hour of hair-talk, we spent the rest of the time talking about boys. At approximately 1 a.m., we decided that we have the male-species completely figured out. With all of the world’s most serious problems solved, we called it a night.

I’ve decided I don’t like Kevin gone. It makes me sad. I had to sit all by myself in church yesterday. Typically Kevin will write the tithe check and then let me put it in the plate. The reason he does this is because my dad used to always give me a quarter to put in the offering plate when I was a little girl. One day I told Kevin what a good memory this was of my childhood. From then on, he started giving me the tithe check just before the plate was passed so I could put it in. It totally makes me laugh. Yesterday he wasn’t there to give it to me and I had to reach in my purse for it. My quality of life has completely deteriorated with him gone. Trials are stupid. That’s what I’ve decided.


Anonymous said...

Figured out the male-species completely? Alright, guys, who told them our secrets? :)

Angel said...

Sounds like a truly successful (and enjoyable) slumber party. ;)