Monday, August 09, 2004

Weekend Widow

Kevin had to work pretty much all weekend, so I didn’t have anyone to play with. I was really bummed about this. (Settlement negotiations fell through on a case and he had to turn in a brief today.) On Saturday, I cleaned, packed, and made a blueberry pie. The pie definitely helped to lift my spirits. When Kevin finally got home, he felt like crashing. We decided to get a movie. I suggested we get Runaway Jury. Kevin said he’d rather not watch anything law-related. So we got a chick flick instead. One thing I like about Kevin is that he is secure enough in his masculinity to admit that he likes watching chick flicks now and then. Most guys probably, deep down inside, really do want to watch them but feel like that have to always choose movies in the Jackie Chan genre to keep up their macho facade. That’s what I think, anyway.

(Okay, if it’s possible, I won’t say any more inflammatory things for the rest of this post.)

Yesterday we had a lovely dinner at the Schweickert home in Walnut Creek. We enjoyed our visit with the whole family. I personally enjoyed sitting outside watching their bunny rabbit hop around their beautiful garden. In the car on the way home, I asked Kevin if we could get a bunny rabbit too. Usually when I ask him for something he is noncommittal and says "we’ll see." He must not be too keen on the bunny idea because he flat out said "no." Maybe it’s just that he’s overwhelmed at the idea of caring for an orange tree and a bunny rabbit. Maybe once we figure out how to care for an orange tree, he’ll say "yes" to the rabbit idea. (Geesh, what will happen when we have kids?! Maybe getting a bunny first is a good idea - so we can work our way up! I know Kevin’s mom is already worried about the well-being of her future grandkids because of my plant-killing habits. Sigh . . . Being a grownup is a lot of responsibility!)

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