Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The Frailty of Life

“There is one thing I’ve learned about life. It is frail.” - Billy Graham

Last week I went in to see my dentist for an initial consultation. He was a cheerful man, probably in his early forties, with gleaming eyes and a big smile. I liked him a lot. I had another appt. for tomorrow to get my teeth cleaned but his receptionist called me over the weekend and canceled my appt. because of a “family emergency.” Last night I was talking to Kevin about this abrupt cancellation. Kevin suggested that maybe my dentist had died suddenly. Well, today his receptionist called me back and said that I could come in tomorrow anyway because the hygienist would be there. She asked me if I heard about what happened. When I replied that I hadn’t, she said that Dr. Swen had died suddenly. They think it was a heart attack. (Kevin has better intuition than I thought!) Although I didn’t know my dentist very well, it’s still hard to take. The other day he was so alive and full of vigor. Now he’s gone.

This incident has caused me to think about where I place my trust. Do I trust in man or in God? Even the most steadfast, consistent human being can never be relied on – because life is so temporal. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I rely way too much on Kevin for my happiness. Although God wants me to enjoy my relationship with Kevin, I don’t think God wants Kevin to be the sole source of my joy and security. God wants “all my springs of joy” to be in Him. God wants me to trust in Him and be content with whatever lies ahead. May I learn to say with the Psalmist, “There is none on earth I desire besides You.” Although we may desire other things (e.g., lasting relationships with another human being, etc.) may all those desires be considered as nothing when compared to our desire and longing for God.

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