Monday, October 17, 2005

Playful Girl

Meredith had her first studio pictures taken last Friday and, despite our valiant efforts to coax her, the little boogar wouldn’t smile directly into the camera. So, basically, we have pictures of her smiling while looking away, smiling while looking down, and then several pictures of her looking at the camera with various non-smiling, quizzical facial expressions. Oh well!

It’s been fun to watch Meredith’s personality develop more lately. My prediction is that she’ll be outgoing, friendly, independent, curious, fun-loving, and opinionated. These are characteristics I already see in her at three months old.

One thing I never realized was how young babies are when they start to appreciate and love their toys! It’s amazing to me how toys are such an integral part of even a very young baby’s life. Kevin thinks we’re going to force Meredith into being ADD because of all the toys we put into her face.

Lately she’s been cracking me up whenever I syringe her nose. She’s been mildly congested this past week and I’ve been trying to help her out a little bit. Whenever I bring the syringe to her face she starts to fuss and move her head from side to side. But suddenly she’ll stop, look at me and smile (sometimes laugh). Then she squints and smiles again each time I touch her face. It’s as if she’s thinking: “Oh yeah, I forgot, Mommy is just trying to play a little game with me. This is a fun game Mommy!”

Meredith is such an entertaining addition to our family. What did we ever do without her?

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