Thursday, October 06, 2005

Has it really come to this?

Do you realize that they now sell pre-made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the frozen food section of the grocery store?

Why is this? Is it that working moms, overburdened, no longer have time to make even PB&J for their kids’ school lunch boxes?

I can understand having frozen lasagna or meatloaf … but PB&J?

Could it be that making something so simple like PB&J will soon be a lost art?


Janice Phillips said...

I was equally shocked when I observed a "typical" 40ish, obviously had their kids later in life, mom buying pre-cut, pre-packaged in lunch box size bags of apples. Apples! I mean, how difficult is it to slice up an apple for your child's lunch, or your lunch for that matter? Then again, I buy a salad for lunch, pre-made. Hmm.

the Joneses said...

Hey, not only are the PBJs pre-made, but a big marketing push is that they don't have crusts, either! Which is a losing battle, as Addie has been known to leave the "crust" of a waffle. (Frozen toaster waffles, of course.)

-- SJ

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to hear about this new "convenience" too . . . and saddened by the fact that it implies people are too busy to make a PB & J sandwich for their kids! (How long does it take to heat up? Couldn't you make one in the same amount of time?)

On a side note, am I the only one who thinks frozen-and-then-thawed out PB & J just sounds revolting???

Linds said...

Well - I must admit that I've had these frozen PB&J sandwiches, and they're spectacular! They're actually really popular at work, and one of my friends, after suffering a miscarraige, wanted only those as comfort food.
So, yes - I agree it's a new low in laziness, but I embrace it wholeheartedly!

Queen of Carrots said...

What perplexes me is that they're advertised as a "simple pleasure." And here I thought simple pleasures were things that didn't involve extra time or money.

Kevin said...

I think "simple" here means "not fancy," in which case, these things would certainly qualify.