Monday, May 23, 2005

Summer has officially begun ...

Saturday was the first time it truly felt like summer, for me. The weather was balmy hot and we cracked-open our first juicy sweet watermelon. We also spent the majority of the day out in the yard pulling weeds and such. There's something remarkably rewarding about digging your hands in soil and, after hours of sweat, seeing the fruit of your labors. Although, I will confess, Kevin worked MUCH harder than I did. I'm grateful that he loves to work in the yard and make things look nice. I'm also grateful that he doesn't mind when I decide to be a lazy bum and watch him do most of the work, from the comfort of the shady porch! Such a nice guy. :)

Summer has officially begun ...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful yard!! You deserve a are working 24 hours a day making a baby...remember that! It is nice to sit and watch sometimes too! I used to do most all the mowing....and it was done in much neater ways then...but I have to let the less than perfect be enough now...since I am not really able anymore to do it. I can still pull weeds however...argh!

Nica said...

How fun! Joel too loves to work in the yard, so he and I are really looking forward to a yard of our own.

That watermelon looks really yummy... I think I'm going to have to go against Joel's "no watermelon" rule and buy one. (He has disliked watermelon ever since his family went on the "watermelon diet" as a kid... the smell used to make him nauseous!) Nothing quite says "summer" like a good, California vine-ripened watermelon.