Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Rethinking My Zicam Policy

A conversation that occurred about a week and a half ago.

Amy: “Ugh. I’m getting a sore throat.”

Kevin: “You should take some Zicam.”

Amy: “Gag. I would rather be sick than eat that stuff.”

Amy then proceeds to get probably the worst head cold she’s ever had.

Kevin never got a cold. Why? He swears it’s because he ate nearly a whole bottle of Zicam.

Amy is seriously rethinking her Zero Tolerance toward Zicam policy.


Anonymous said...

Zicam Intense Sinus Relief gel spray is pure gold if you have a stuffy nose.

Anonymous said...

Oprah had this thing that you pour water in your nose and it fixes sinus headaches. It looked interesting, but maybe just because watching people pour water out their nose was fun!


Christy said...

i have a similar adversion to cold-eeze. disgusting. you don't have to break down and do it, there are other ways.. like Emergen-C (which is delicious). Trust me.