Friday, June 29, 2007

Crying Momma and Caring Tot

I’ve decided it’s good to let Meredith see me cry now and then. It really transforms her attitude. Today I felt like I was at the end of my rope. Meredith was being really bratty and demanding. Between that and my seemingly overwhelming “to do” list for the day, I lost it.

When Meredith saw me crying, she got very quiet and then came to pat me on the back. She said, “Mommy is crying. You got a tear on your hand.” (I had put my hands over my eyes and a tear had rolled off my hand.)

After sitting with me quietly for a few minutes, she ran to the other room and came back with her ratty blanket. Her favorite possession. The one thing she never shares with anyone. The one thing I never ask her to share since I know it’s that special to her.

She handed it over to me and said, “See? Here’s a blanky.” Then she smiled.

It was a very precious moment to be comforted by my toddler—the one who only moments before was the source of so much frustration. I was also very moved by her love. She probably wasn’t exactly sure what to do when she saw me crying—she had no idea why I was crying—but she knew I needed something to cheer me up. So she ran and grabbed the one material possession in her life that comforts her and means the most to her.

It’s funny how the hardest days with a toddler can also be the most precious, at times.


Anonymous said...

Aww, that's so precious! Michael has a beloved "blankie", too, and whenever he hands it to someone, I know that is the ultimate sign of affection! :)
~Katie J.

Catherine said...

What a sweet girl!

Rachelle said...

I am just so glad that I'm not the only one whose child can move her to tears (not of joy). -rlr

~ PragyaN ~ said...

hiii....gotta read another heart touching activity of the li'l Mer ....Oops.....the Grown Up Girl who can deal with her mother that nicely!!!