Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Alligators, Crayons, and Pink Golf Balls

Lately there has been no question about what is on our nearly-two-year-old daughter's mind. She tells us exactly what she is thinking. This can be both good and difficult. Either way, her fresh perspective often makes us laugh out loud.

“Go on alligator!” said Meredith, at the mall last night. She then pointed to the “escalator.” (Close enough, right?)

“I ate a crayon,” explained Meredith as I was furiously trying to brush a chunk of brown that was stubbornly clinging to her tooth. As I was brushing the tooth, I was puzzled by the brown substance. I asked out loud (more talking to myself than to Meredith), “What on earth is stuck on this tooth?”

“Get mine pink ball!” said Meredith as she watched her daddy get his golf clubs out of the garage. I had no idea what this meant. Later I found out (from Kevin) that he often lets her knock around a hot pink golf ball with his putter. She just wanted to be part of the action.


Angel said...

<<“I ate a crayon.”>>

Hey, at least she's honest about it. ;)

Megan said...

I love Meredith's total honesty! She has such a good vocabulary! We miss you guys!