Monday, November 13, 2006

“It’s the most wonderful [and potentially stressful] time of the year …”

Tonight I put Meredith to bed. This is usually daddy’s job (which he enjoys) but daddy wasn’t home when Meredith was tired so I took over.

Kevin’s routine is to rock Meredith, sing a few songs, pray, and then put her to bed. The only songs I could think of tonight were Christmas carols. This must be indicative of what is slowly but surely seeping into my mind – the awareness that Christmas is just around the corner!

After singing Silent Night, Away in a Manger, and O Holy Night I was reminded of how much I really do love Christmas. I love the meaning of the season and all the festivity, but I dread the oft-associated stress.

To make the upcoming season more calm and enjoyable, I decided to start my Christmas shopping early. Before heading to the mall I conducted a two hour brainstorming session and wrote 2-3 gift ideas next to each person’s name I was buying for. I did this last year too and found that it helped tremendously. My shopping time was cut down to a fraction of what it would have been if I had wandered the aisles aimlessly.

I will admit, however, that I felt really self-conscious when pulling out my wrinkled piece of paper in the respective stores and crossing off names and items. I’m the only person I’ve ever seen do this (except at grocery stores) – so people probably think I’m a freak. But I honestly don’t care. It’s a system that works for me.

The other night we passed by someone’s house and they already had their Christmas tree up in the window. Now, if we really want to talk about over-achievers, there’s an example for you!

Lastly, I don’t know how helpful this website would be to the rest of you but I think there are some ideas to glean from – Christmas Organizing – check it out.


CABeachBlonde said...

Don't worry. You're not the only one who uses this system. I have been using it for about five or so years. (I HOPE I'm not a freak ;) ... hehe)

Janice Phillips said...

lol...Amy, I have a Google spreadsheet with my grocery list and meal plans so I don't think you're a freak at all. I say, more power to ya!

Catherine said...

I love lists. I will have to try that method for Christmas shopping. I was trying to get all of my Christmas shopping done on line this year, but I have totally run into a wall trying to think of nice but affordable gifts for extended family members who seem to have everything. I hate giving people cheesy junk gifts, but I'm just drawing a blank. I was hoping to be able to take all the gifts home for Thanksgiving, but time is running short!

Nica said...

Amy, I've been doing almost the exact same thing ever since I had a job and was shopping on my own. I'm usually not a list person, but I hate doing Christmas shopping late, so I usually start the list the previous Christmas, and try to get shopping completed by August.

This year, I think I'll be doing good if I can get it all finished the week after Thanksgiving.

CABeachBlonde said...


Something I have been doing now for a couple of years, which has met with great success, might interest you. With very close friends and relatives I make an individual scrapbook page for them each year for Christmas to put in the scrapbook I bought them the first year I did this. You add a box of nice chocolates (e.g., See's, Ghiredelli) to this or something (gift certificate?) and *walla!* nice gift. The page doesn't have to be anything elaborate, just nice and from the heart (maybe a page of something you did together or their new baby as a theme). I usually like to start earlier in the year making these if I'm making a more than four, but, at least it might get you on a train of thought. Anyway, I've found other fun ideas in the many art/craft mags at the grocery store (e.g., this year I'm making encouragement jars for people along with homemade pudding). Anyhoo, it's cheaper, people love it because you made it, so, hey, fun stuff! Hope that helps . . .

Carrie said...

So ....

I'm all finished with my Christmas shopping. Granted, I made a point of having it done before the arrival of baby -- assuming I wouldn't have very much time AFTERwards to get the job done. But I usually start around June/July in order to 1. find good deals on 2. items I run across that I think are "perfect" for the individual in mind. I find that I've saved money by starting early. If I wait until December I usually spend more (due to excitement of the season and Christmas music playing on the intercom) and things aren't on sale!