Thursday, September 14, 2006

Storm Windows

I can't stand dirty windows, at least not for more than a month or two, can you?

Several weeks ago I took off the storm windows on the front of the house, to be able to wash in between the glass and get the windows clean. They were filthy and I was sick and tired of looking through them!

It took me approximately ten hours (okay, I’m exaggerating a little bit) to do this. The windows were heavy and I wasn’t exactly sure how to use a power drill. [Grin.] Plus, as I was trying to put the windows BACK up, Meredith took my pile of screws and scattered them across the front porch.

All these little delays add up, you know.

Well, anyway, yesterday some repair guys came over to the house to paint something (I’m still not sure exactly what). In order to do this, they took off ALL the storm windows. At the end of the day they weren’t done with their project so they left the windows off.

I figured I would seize this golden opportunity to wash the REST of the windows of the house, but I didn’t count on them coming so early this morning.

Needless to say, this morning I threw on a pair of jeans and ran out of the house like maniac, as soon as I saw their van pull up, so I could wash the rest of the windows.

I am happy to report that I finished in record time!

After I was all done, I turned and saw these guys gawking at me.

“Well, ma’am, you didn’t have to do all that. We were planning on cleaning all the windows when we were done with our job.”

Sigh …

And then, here’s the killer … One guy says:

“Yes, and when the windows are all clean we’ll make sure to put the storm windows back on RIGHT. I don’t know who did the last job but two of the storm windows up in front of the house were put on backwards.”

“Oh my goodness,” I replied. “I can’t believe someone would do something like that. Wow.”

As soon as I said that, I whirled around and went back inside the house.

Why do I try?


Jen said...

HAHAHAHAHAH....Amy what a great story. Sounds like something I would do! :)

the Joneses said...

I admire your energy and pluck despite things not turning out just right!

-- SJ