Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Jelly-Body Trick: An Essential Stunt for Kids with Controlling Parents

Meredith has learned a classic childhood trick. It’s the jelly-body trick.

Whenever she’s running free and doesn’t want to be picked-up and constrained, she lifts her arms and her body becomes limp. Usually there’s some screaming and wailing that goes along with it too.

If I’m not properly on guard, this trick works pretty well – she’s able to slither right through my arms and successfully regain her freedom.

This handy trick was employed by my darling daughter at Best Buy last night. (We, of course, made the initial mistake of letting her get out of the cart.)

As soon as her little feet hit the ground she started running around the store like a wild woman, relishing every ounce of independence.

The girl probably ran for two miles, thanks to the jelly-body trick, before Kevin finally grabbed her and we took her out of the store kicking and screaming.

Really, she’s not normally an out-of-control monster but last night she was tired and original-sin came out in full force.

My prayer is that her strong willpower will be shaped and molded to live for the Lord vs. her own ambitions.

In the meantime, I’m going to have to learn better grasp-and-hold maneuvers to counter the Jelly-Body.

[Note: Having a strong-willed child is payback for my own childhood, I'm sure.]


Chris and Amber said...

Zack does that same thing! When you want to pick him up or cuddle him he goes like jelly and all limp like he has no bones and he slips right through!

the Joneses said...

We called it "the limp noodle," but all the same it's an amazingly effective escape tactic.

-- SJ

Janice Phillips said...

Just're bigger than her.

Rachelle said...

It is particularly destructive to your parental self-esteem when it is done in public. And it is always done in public. You're not the only parent getting payback for being a strong-willed child Amy. :) rlr

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary K & A! (8/3) Wow... doesn't 4 years just FLY by! So much has happened since that special (and HOT) day. Speaking of hot... it could have been, but thankfully wasn't as hot as today (110 with the heat index). Imagine being in that little country church with those temps!

Anonymous said...

I don't care if you call it the "Jell-o body shot" or "the limp noodle" it all sounds dirty.

Anonymous said...

this is the part i'd like to comment on:
"[Note: Having a strong-willed child is payback for my own childhood, I'm sure.]"

HA! HA! HA!!!