Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Money Matters

One of the questions to be decided upon entering marriage is who will pay the bills. I lucked out because I don’t think I’ve had to pay a single bill since getting married.

Sometimes I feel guilty when Kevin works hard at the office all day and then has to come home and sit in front of Microsoft Money all evening.

Last night was such an evening.

“Hey, listen. I’ll start paying the bills from now on,” I said.

He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

“Your life will be so stress-free if I could do that for you. You wouldn’t have to worry about a thing!”

Then we burst into laughter ‘cuz we both know that the LAST thing that would make Kevin stress-free is having ME in charge of our finances.

When we started dating he was horrified to learn how I “balanced” my checkbook. I would simply write down all of my financial transactions and, periodically, round-up the numbers to ensure that I always had some buffer room. You know, a little extra in my account, so I would always be okay.

I felt confident with this system. I always paid my bills on time and I never once bounced a check.

Kevin, however, was mortified that I didn’t ever know exactly, to the penny, how much money I had in my account.

Last night, when he was reminded of my old-system, he asked, “Weren’t you ever worried that you would get cheated by the bank?”

I told him that I never worried because I knew there were people out there like him who would keep the banks accountable – and mail me something if I needed to join a class action lawsuit.

So, it’s pretty safe for me to offer to pay the bills. He would never let me.


Anonymous said...

Amen, preach it girl....Same way I took care of my ck acct until we were married.....never bounced a check..never knew how much was in there..but i figured with as little as was "in there" they wouldnt dare cheat such a poor

Uncle Mike

Anonymous said...

lol.. my dad used to do the same thing, only when his account got a little too out of hand (i.e. REALLY not knowing what the heck was in there)... he'd just close out the account and switch banks! This happened quite a few times. yikes!

Anonymous said...

Atleast you recorded the transactions at some point. Laura used to give her small children checks to write on to keep them entertained while in the doctor's office. She never recorded them and then Dale had to figure out which transactions were "real" and what the balance was. I don't think Kevin inherited his financial capabilities from his mom! Aunt B.

Anonymous said...

I have never balances my checkbook :) And I don't intend to start. I know this horrifying news to my mother and grandmother... but truly, as long as I know approximately how much money is in my account, I'm good with that. That being said, Wade pays all our bills as well. I just spend the money :)

Anonymous said...

I have never balances my checkbook :) And I don't intend to start. I know this horrifying news to my mother and grandmother... but truly, as long as I know approximately how much money is in my account, I'm good with that. That being said, Wade pays all our bills as well. I just spend the money :)

Anonymous said...

I have never balances my checkbook :) And I don't intend to start. I know this horrifying news to my mother and grandmother... but truly, as long as I know approximately how much money is in my account, I'm good with that. That being said, Wade pays all our bills as well. I just spend the money :)

Anonymous said...

So then I posted my comment 2784 times... good grief. I'm going to bed! I swear this baby is sucking out my brain cells!

Jen said...

Amy! I do the exact same thing as you! Hey and I am with you....the system works....I know approx. how much money I have, not to the penny, but I always have a general idea. :) (I don't discuss this with Jon very much b/c the accountant in him would literially flip)

Micah said...

Wow! That's great! Well, I'm the banker, so unfortunately, the lot falls to me. And, ironically enough, even though Brad is an accountant, he is terrible with paying the bills, and keeping his own "books". I think he's just too tired of numbers by the end of the day. That's okay, though. That just means he gets to spend less time on the computer, and more time with me :o)!!!