Friday, April 22, 2005

What's Your Type?

I used to go to church with a guy who has a business using the Myers-Briggs "personality types" to help pro-sports teams recruit players. (Cool job, eh?) The theory is that some "brain types" (as he calls them) are better in certain sports than others. And my friend is very successful in what he does.

When I first met this guy, he told me all about myself, even though he didn't know me from Adam. After that, I was hooked. I read his book ... and other books on the subject. I found it all completely fascinating. (To see his website, go here.)

Recently I found a website that is categorizing blogs by personality type. I hope it grows 'cuz right now I'm the only ENTP on there ... and I think it would be interesting to meet more bloggers with my type. (TypeBlogs website link.)

Although some people allege that typing puts people in a "box," my take on it is that typing is very helpful to understand a person. For instance, my mom's type is almost completely opposite from mine. (She’s ESFJ.) Understanding her type has helped me to appreciate her more.

If you want to take the test - which is not always 100% accurate, I might add - you can go here: Jung Typology Test.

Lastly, a caveat: You should remember that there are both biological and environmental/sociological factors that make a person the way they are.


Queen of Carrots said...

Well, for what it's worth, I'm supposedly an ENTP too. DOB is hard to pigeonhole; he usually comes out ISTJ, but he's right on the line on I and S, so he's not much like other ISTJs I know.

Rachelle said...

I'm an INFP--shortly after I took the test my grandparents took it. My grandmother is very different from me and at times I felt she disapproved of me as a child. When she read my test results, she looked at me in wonder and said, "Of course, you are that way." She said it with new understanding and appreciation and it was great to hear.

Anonymous said...

I'm a "TCBY"

Amy K said...


My dad used to always say "Well, I'm S.I.C.K." So, I guess you can be like him and go for your own unique type. :)

Anonymous said...

The Hall family has had GREAT fun taking the test and guessing where we each fall. This from an ESFJ Mom who LOVES to do personality tests :) Thanks for the link! Ryan is the only one who was not as thrilled about participating. He is an ISTJ!

CABeachBlonde said...

Wow, am I unique! I am part of only 2-3% of the population...du, du duuu! I'm an ENFJ! So are Oprah, Billy Graham and Martin Luther King ... (interesting combo!)

the Joneses said...

ISTJ for me.

* moderately expressed introvert

* moderately expressed sensing personality

* distinctively expressed thinking personality

* very expressed judging personality

Tax lawyer, legal researcher, or teacher. Yup, that works for me.
