Thursday, June 03, 2004

No Turning Back

For all of you who appreciate stability and sameness in life, I sincerely do apologize. The only thing I don’t like about this new blog format is the fact that I practically have to squint to see the font. I have already e-mailed the tech guy for information on how to remedy that. The readability of a blog is essential to its success, I would presume?

Today I received a phone call from Kevin: "What are you doing? The blog format has changed several times in the last few minutes!" First of all, I couldn’t have imagined that he’d be checking it that frequently. (But he did tell me once that he has to "check the blog to keep up with what’s happening" in his life. So, I should have been put on notice.) Secondly, I simply couldn’t make up my mind about what exactly I wanted. But I’m female, you see, and that’s my prerogative. What do you expect?

Well, tomorrow I will be away from the computer world. I will be forced out of my warm, comfortable bed before the rooster would even dare to think about crowing. And I'm definitely not the early-riser type. But it will be worth it. And, sometime soon, I will return to the land of computers and will be able to tell you about all the adventures. Until then.

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