Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thoughts from Mom

Clara came really fast, after full day. Fortunately it was one of those restfully-full days and not a hectic-full day. We went to church, had a leisurely brunch of waffles, strawberries, and scrambled eggs with Kevin’s family, I took a long nap while Kevin watched golf on television, then we played a game of croquet with Colin, Megan, and Kc on the back lawn. As we were getting ready to head back to church for evening service (5:30), I had my first contraction. Clara was born exactly four hours later (9:30).

Short labors are nice but (for those of you who think it’s all dreamy), they are very intense. Your body has to go through the same thing in getting ready to deliver a baby, regardless of how long it takes to get there. When Kevin and I were limping across the hospital parking lot (okay, I was the one limping) to get to the maternity ward, I felt a big contraction coming on. In order to get more comfortable I got on my hands and knees on a patch of grass in front of the hospital. (Seriously, when you’re in labor you don’t care what other people think of you!) Suddenly a woman rushed over to us and said, half joking, “Don’t do anything on the front lawn! It’s bad for business!” She ended up being a really nice doctor who got a wheel chair and wheeled me to the third floor. I had four or five more contractions on the way up there and she kept patting my back reassuringly as we went. She seemed like an angel to me. Maybe she was.

It’s amazing how much we love this new baby already. I’m definitely more relaxed as a mom this time around. I was so uptight with Meredith that I wasn’t able to enjoy her as much, I think. Also, I appreciate the perspective I have now with a second baby. I realize that these first few weeks are ultimately fleeting. As hectic as they are, they are precious and irretrievable. I can’t stop hugging and kissing on both my little girls.

Maybe it’s in response to MY being more relaxed, but Clara seems so laid back to me. Like this sweet “whatever” attitude that I don’t remember Meredith having. At all.

I forgot how small newborns are. Her feet, hands, and little bottom. It’s amazing.

I also forgot how naturally sweet a newborn’s skin smells. Like Kc said, “She smells like vanilla!” I can’t stop kissing Clara’s chubby cheeks and the crook of her neck. I want to savor each moment.

Meredith is doing fairly well adjusting. Her disposition toward Clara is very sweet and gentle. At the hospital she was all smiles and kept saying, “I hold her,” “I hug her,” “I kiss her.” But she is also more emotional than normal. She’s had a hard time sharing a few things. For instance, her box of wipes. Can you believe it? Today I asked her to help me and get a wipe. She clung to this stupid box of wipes and said, “This is Meredith’s wipes!”

When we first got home from the hospital I started to worry about how I was possibly going to be able to love both my children equally. It was overwhelming. They are both distinct persons with their own unique set of needs. They say that a mother’s love grows when another child is born and this is so true. But I’m still overwhelmed. I will pray for grace and just keep on loving as best I can.


Angel said...

That's cute about how Clara's disposition is already so discernable, and different from Meredith's. You know how the rhyme ends: "The child who's born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe and good always."

Of course, I was born on a Sunday, and as far I go, there's no way that quote's true. I used to hold it over my brothers' heads nonetheless, though. ;)

Jen said...

It is so fun to hear your perspectives Amy. I am very happy Clara made a safe and quick debut, but still marveling that wow she is actually her :)
I love the little quip about the oh-so-kind doctor... I laughed!
Have fun loving on your babies.

Rachelle said...

I think that younger children are often more easygoing because they always had to share their mom's time and attention.

Ben was more emotional when Kyrie was born too. He did great with sharing everything but he was a little confused when I wasn't as readily available. I still hate making either one of them wait. But that's life....

I dealt with contractions on my hands and knees the second time too. I had to laugh at my mental picture of you in front of the hospital. At a time like that you don't care.

So if you have more, and it is true that labors tend to get shorter (mine didn't) Kevin may have to work on his delivery skills. -rlr

Rachelle said...
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Catherine said...

I agree about fast labors not necessarily being easier, but having now tried both, I have to say that I personally preferred the fast one! I'm so glad your labor was fast and uneventful (well, except the part that happened on the hospital lawn, that's hilarious!).

Maybe all second babies are more laid back - Jack is DEFINITELY so much more easy going than Hannah ever was or is! But maybe some of that is because I'm a lot less hyper about the whole thing now. :)

Congratulations again!

Unknown said...

The best part is you don't have to love equally, just wholeheartedly. Children are a blessing and we get to love each of them as much as we can, but no one ever is promised equality. I have no doubts Meredith and Clara will be loved unconditionally by both you and Kevin (and all the extended family). Congrats again

Rose said...

I'm so glad this went so smoothly for you! Hurrah for quick labors - I hear they get faster each time! So happy that you're home and happy and enjoying every minute.

Nica said...

Awww! So sweet.

Get Clara her own box, and then Meredith can be the big helper who goes and gets Clara's things for momma. ;-)

I know we're going to have to do that with B, he's so very finicky (perfectionist) about "his" things.

Anonymous said...

I love her name! Our second was NOT laid back and easy so it has nothing to do with second born. That is just the sweet disposition the Lord blessed Clara (and you!)with.
And you don't have to love the same. I worried about that when we had the twins and made an effort to hold one the same amount of time I held the other. Come to find out one is much more snuggly than the other (and still is at 18!). You will know how to meet each child's needs and that may not be the same way. Thankfully, babies don't have much of a memory so you can lay Clara down and snuggle with Mer and read books. I do agree that the newborn stage is so fleeting. Nice you recognize that and thoroughly enjoy it! Already Colton feels like a 'baby' and not a newborn at 7 weeks :)
Enjoy, sweet friend!