Friday, April 16, 2004


Yesterday our front bathroom toilet wouldn’t flush. And, of course, the toilet had to be full of the worst kind of stuff imaginable when it refused to flush. (Please don’t visualize that concept - it’s really gross, I know.) To solve our problem, we went to hunt for a toilet plunger. To our dismay, after digging through all our cupboards and closets, we realized that we don’t yet own a toilet plunger! (Certainly this has been a problem for many young married couples - realizing, at the last minute, that they don’t have a necessary item.) Since it was late, and we were tired, we decided to just "wait and see" if it would go away on its own. Maybe it would magically disappear, we thought.

Well, this morning, it was still there.

Our current toilet problem is compounded by the fact that we are having company come to dinner tonight! (So I think I’ll have to make a quick Target run after work to get the plunger. We simply cannot afford any further delays!)

This morning I got to thinking . . . it’s been ages since I’ve had to use a toilet plunger. I can’t even remember the last time. I think I may have even (conveniently) forgot how to use one. Fortunately, if you can believe it, this morning I persuaded Kevin to do it - if I buy the plunger, he will take care of the clogging problem.

Isn’t Kevin great? He does my taxes and he plunges the toilets! What a wonderful husband I have. What more could I ask for?

Oh, and here’s my final comment. If you’re about to be married, there is a lesson you can learn from all of this: Make sure to ask for a toilet plunger on your gift registry list. It will help you avoid future emergency "situations."

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