Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Little Tunes

Meredith has learned to sing the first part of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” (the “Row, Row, Row” part) and she sings it constantly. It’s become quite the entertainment around the house. We start singing it and then she’ll start singing it. Or, out of the blue, she’ll start singing it and, when we join-in, she’ll break into smiles. Last night Kevin played it on the piano, and she started singing it. Then he played the Alphabet Song and she started singing that. Only, the letters don’t sound exactly right.

When your child enters the world, you wonder what she’ll be like and what she’ll love. It’s been fun to watch Meredith express herself musically and be interested in songs and the piano.

Meredith has also recently learned that all of the dolls, teddy bears and human beings around the house have eyes. She seems amazed with this fact. She'll randomly say "eye" and point to a doll's eye. Or, she'll randomly say "eye," reach for you, and nearly gouge your eye out.

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