Monday, March 09, 2009

Unexpected Excitement

Yesterday as we drove down a curvy road bordered by woods on each side a large deer came out of nowhere and slammed into the driver’s side of our car.

In a flash, there was the sound of the impact, glass from Kevin’s window shattering everywhere, and deer hair floating all throughout the car. Seriously, there was even deer hair in my mouth! Meredith started screaming hysterically. We quickly checked the girls to see if they were hurt. We were surprised that no one had been cut by the glass. They appeared to be okay.

We pulled into a nearby driveway. The side of our car was completely crushed and there was a large chunk of deer skin/hair attached to the side of the driver’s door. Meredith was further traumatized by the fact that Bambi didn’t die until about five minutes after the accident.

So, two weeks ago I was without a car while it was in the repair shop. Now I will be without a car while it’s in an auto body shop. Ah, life!!

Seriously, we are just so grateful that everyone is okay. It could have been a lot worse. Praise God!


J said...

You'd think that all the stupid genes in deer would have weeded themselves out of the gene pool in the last 50 years.

I'm glad you guys are all OK, and hopefully Meredith won't be too traumatized by Bambi!

In true hick-fashion, I have to ask: were y'all able to keep the deer for meat?

Anonymous said...

What? No picture of the deer?

Rachelle said...

I'm with Meredith. One of my worst nightmares is hitting a deer (or having it hit me). I hope she gets over it soon and I'm glad you are all ok.

Carrie said...

VERY glad to know that everyone is ok! I was thinking about your family quite a bit today as we drove through Roseville!

Poor Meredith.

Michael L. said...

Maybe we should not have kept you at our house talking so long! Praise God you are all okay. We'll keep Meredith in prayer as she takes this new (and traumatic) experience and grows through it. I hope the car is repaired quickly...

Janice Phillips said...

Ohmygoodness, Praise GOD ya'll are ok!!

Monica said...

Wow. It always amazes me how much damage a full grown animal can make. We are so glad that your family was not injured and pray that Meridith is not traumatized.

JoMama said...

This story reminds me of when you begged me to hold a decapitated deer head...(see your entry of October 3, 2005).