Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Splendor

I must confess I was really worried that we would have an ugly fall this year because it seemed like many leaves were falling off without turning color. But I was wrong, wrong, wrong. All of these pictures were taken a few minutes ago, and these trees are all located within a five minute drive of my house. I get to drive by all of these places almost every day. Lately I have been holding my breath because I can't stand how pretty it all is. I LOVE THIS. I can't get enough of it!! My kids think I'm crazy because I drive so slow these days and am constantly telling them, "Oh look! It's fall!!!"













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Heather L. said...

I love the beauty of it too. Driving over Eagle Creek is just gorgeous at this time of year. Megan's coming back at just the right time!

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