Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A dream is a wish your heart makes …

Cinderella has become Meredith’s all-time favorite movie lately. I let her watch it a few times a week while I take a shower or work on the computer.

You know how little kids often like to describe events and movies to you and you have to sit there and listen, being bored out of your mind because you weren’t there and it isn’t even interesting? Well, Meredith has started doing this! And it’s all about Cinderella!

She has started telling me and Kevin about the Cinderella story while we are at the dinner table or riding in the car. The other day she said, “That stepsisters ripped Cin-erella’s dress [hand motions included] and broke her necklace. It spilled everywhere. Cin-erella was very mad. She cried in the garden.”

She has started wearing her dress shoes constantly. She says, “These are my glass slippers.”

The other day while she was watching it (you know the part where Cinderella is dancing with the prince at the ball and they are singing “So this is Love”?), she looked over to my direction and said, “Look, mom. Cin-erella is singing with her daddy.”

1 comment:

Stephen, Sarah, Nora, Joseph and Isaiah said...

That sounds familiar...except I'm hearing about Peter Pan and watching my little "winy" fly around :-)