Wednesday, October 25, 2006

“Tonight she said she loves me … what a pity to part …”

Tonight my little girl told me she loves me for the first time. Kevin was getting ready to put her to bed and he told her to give mommy a kiss and tell her I love you. (He always says this but she never follows his direction.)

But, tonight was different! She said “love you!” and then she wrinkled her nose and smiled with both her mouth and her eyes, showing that she really meant it.

My heart melted. Right there – like warm butter on hot bread. It was wonderful.

I was especially surprised that she said “love you” today, of all days, because today I was an especially bad mom. I was very impatient with her and found myself getting angry at her when I was trying to make dinner and she kept walking between my legs and the counter and pushing on my legs so I would have to move away from what I was doing.

Seriously, it took me like twenty minutes to chop one onion for dinner tonight! You know Rachael Ray’s 30-minute-meals? Well, Rachael obviously doesn’t have a one-year-old. If that were the case, they would all be 90-minute-meals.

Anyway, I’ve never told my daughter “no” so many times as I have today.

So, why did she pick today to say “love you”? I have no idea. But I’m really glad – because I really needed to hear that today.


Stacie said...

That is so sweet! First kisses, hugs and I love yous are the most precious things ever!

Missi said...

aw, that is really sweet!

Jen said...

Thanks so much Amy for your encouragement!! I am sure you totally know what I feel!!

oh and this story is very cute....made me smile!!

Are you guys going to be in town over Thanksgiving? I just talked to Alaina today and we are all going to try and get together the Friday after Thanksgiving. She was going to talk to you all about it. Brad and Micah will be in town, so it should be great...especially with all the new little one's!

Anonymous said...


JoMama said...

I'm glad to see you're back exclamation point man!!!!!!!!

the Joneses said...

Kids are wonderfully forgiving and resiliant. Good thing, too. (Did I spell resiliant right?)

-- SJ

JoMama said...

Watch out!! Apparently Indiana is a dangerous place...