Friday, June 30, 2006

Politics and a Milkshake with Two Straws

Last night we went to a GOP dinner with Kevin’s law firm. It was good to meet some of his co-workers and their spouses. I had a great time, really.

Right now I feel like I have a decent handle on California politics – I know who (most) all of the state representatives are, what party they belong to, exactly how liberal, conservative, or moderate they are, and oftentimes what their “key issues” are – Senator Cedillo, for instance, wants to see illegal aliens be able to get driver’s licenses. Assemblyman Leno wants gay marriage. Senator Runner wants convicted sex offenders to have to wear GPS tracking devices for the rest of their lives.

When it comes to Indiana politics, I know absolutely nothing. Oh, except who the governor is and that he’s a Republican. But, if he were in the same room as me, I wouldn’t recognize him. So, that probably doesn’t count.

I also know that everyone complains about the Congresswoman and how bad she is, can’t make a public speech to save her life, has no original ideas, etc., etc.

That about sums up my knowledge of Indiana politics – I have a lot of learning to do.

After the dinner we stopped by Steak and Shake and got a double chocolate peanut butter milkshake with two straws. (Kevin let me order.) Mmmm … mmm … MMM.

It was a good end to a nice evening.


Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Well, that's how I feel about California politics. I know it takes some time to figure out who is good and who is ok to vote for.

Anonymous said...

Um ... the Gov. is about 3 ft tall ... he sticks out.