Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Life in the Balance

I’m sure many of you already know the up-to-date details on Terri Schiavo in Florida. Terri gained international attention last year when her loser-husband got court permission to remove her feeding and hydration tube. (Talk about a cruel, torturous death!) Apparently today a judge issued another stay to give Terri’s family 48 more hours to petition for additional legal relief. What I can’t understand is why any judge in the country would permit Terri’s husband to continue to control her medical affairs when he clearly has a conflict of interest. Terri’s husband wants her dead so he can have her disability money and marry his long-time girlfriend with whom he already has two children. If he divorces Terri, and releases her to be cared by her loving parents, he won’t get the money.

A co-worker today had an interesting speculation as to why Terri’s husband would want her dead. He thinks that the accident that caused her current vegetative state is due to an attempted murder by her husband. If she becomes coherent, she may remember the incident and will then be able to incriminate him. While this is probably a far-fetched theory, I appreciated the creative thinking of my co-worker. Who knows? At least it would make for an interesting novel!

For updated information on Terri’s plight, see her website and also Life News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Far out theory...reallly? I have heard quite a few of our friends voice the same! When 2 + 2 do not equal 4...there is a rat in the barrel someplace!! You can bank on it!