Thursday, December 02, 2004

Making decisions, or a lack thereof . . .

“What do YOU want to do?”
“I don’t know, what do YOU want to do?”
“Whatever you want to do.”
“Well, I want to do whatever YOU want to do.”

Is this a common conversation in your household too? (It’s also frequently used in the context of “Where do YOU want to eat?”)

We both got home from work late last night and neither of us was really hungry for dinner. After we decided to delay dinner, we tried to lay out a plan for the evening, only to have the above exchange and bemoan each other’s indecisiveness.

It’s funny because, sometimes when we can’t decide what to do, that’s when we have the best time of all. There was a long list of things to be done last night (errands, laundry, etc.) but since we couldn’t decide what to do exactly, we ended up just fooling around on the keyboard. (Errands and laundry are things that will always be there, spontaneous moments with people you love might not always be there.) Kevin is so patient with me. Although I took six years of piano lessons, I’ve hardly touched a piano for nine years. Last night he asked me to play the left hand on a piece of music while he played the right hand. I looked at the key signature and told him that it scared me because it had too many sharps in it. (This, unfortunately, is how rusty I am.) He wouldn’t take “no” for an answer, though, and coaxed me into it. We stumbled through most of it but it turned out to be really fun. The more I think about it, the best “date nights” we’ve had over the past several years have been completely free! It’s those picnics in the park or window-shopping adventures that have been the best fun.

We also got out all of our Christmas CDs and I had some fun with Amy Grant’s Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree while Kevin paid our bills with his computerized money program (which totally confuses me, so I’m glad he can make sense of it). Life is good.

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